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Значение идиомы odds and ends
[odds and ends] {n. phr.} Miscellaneous items; remnants.
Afterthe great annual clearance sale there were only a few odds and endsleft in the store.
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- Значение идиомы in store[in store] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. Saved up in case of need; readyfor use or for some purpose. If the electricity goes off, we havecandles in store in the closet. The squirrel has plenty of nuts instore for the winter. Compare: IN RESERVE, IN STOCK, ON HAND. 2.Ready to happen; waiting. – Often used […]...
- School FundraisersValerie: What’s this? A. J.: It’s a note from Rachel’s school. It’s about the next Fundraiser. Valerie: Oh no, not another one. What is it this time – a Raffle, Car wash, or Spaghetti dinner? A. J.: It’s none of those things. It’s a combination Bake sale and Craft sale. Parents are supposed To donate […]...
- Buying SouvenirsI was vacationing in Miami, Florida, and I went into a Souvenir store to get some gifts for friends back home. Lydia: Could you show me where the T-shirts Are? Clerk: Sure, they’re on the left, along the wall. Can I help you find something? Lydia: I’d like to get a T-shirt, but I’m not […]...
- Buying SouvenirsI was vacationing in Miami, Florida, and I went into a Souvenir store to get some gifts for friends back home. Lydia: Could you show me where the T-shirts Are? Clerk: Sure, they’re on the left, along the wall. Can I help you find something? Lydia: I’d like to get a T-shirt, but I’m not […]...
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