[my lips are sealed] {informal sentence} A promise that one willnot give away a secret.
«You can tell me what happened, » Helensaid. «My lips are sealed.»
Sport in our life.
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- Значение идиомы give one a ring[give one a ring] also {informal} [give a buzz] To call on thetelephone. Mrs. Jacobs promised to give her husband a ring in theafternoon. Alice will give her friend a buzz tonight....
- Значение идиомы money is no object[money is no object] {informal sentence} The price of something isirrelevant. Please show me your most beautiful mink coat; money isno object....
- Значение идиомы go back on one’s word[go back on one’s word] {v. phr.} To renege; break a promise. Patrick went back on his word when he refused to marry Karen in spiteof his earlier promise....
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- Значение идиомы blow the lid off[blow the lid off] {v. phr.}, {informal} Suddenly to reveal the truth about a matter that has been kept as a secret either by private persons or by some governmental agency. The clever journalists blew the lid off the Watergate cover-up....
Значение идиомы my lips are sealed