Значение идиомы let out
[let out] {v.} 1a. To allow to go out or escape.
The guard letthe prisoners out of jail to work in the garden.
Mother won’t letus out when it rains.
Compare: LET LOOSE. 1b. {informal} To make come out of the mouth; utter.
A bee stung Charles. He letout a yell and ran home.
Father told Betty to sit still and notlet out a peep during church.
2. To allow to be known; tell.
I’llnever tell you another secret if you let this one out.
Compare: LETTHE CAT OUT OF THE BAG. 3. To make larger or looser;allow to slip out.
Mary’s mother had to let out herdress because Mary is growing so tall.
Father hooked a big fish onhis line. He had to let the line out so the fish wouldn’t break it.
Compare: PIECE OUT. Contrast: TAKE IN. 4. {informal} To allow to moveat higher speed.
The rider let out his horse to try to beat thehorse ahead of him.
5. {informal} To free from blame, responsibility, or duty. – Often used with “of”.
Last time I let you out of it whenyou were late. I’ll have to punish you this time.
Frank hasshoveled the snow from the sidewalk. That lets me out.
Compare: LETGO, LET OFF. 6, {informal} To discharge from a job; fire.
The shopclosed down and all the men were let out.
7. {informal} To dismiss orbe dismissed.
The coach let us out from practice at 3 o’clock.
I’ll meet you after school lets out.
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