Значение идиомы let loose

[let loose] {v.} 1a. or [set loose] or [turn loose] To set free;loosen or give up your hold on.

The farmer opened the gate and letthe bull loose in the pasture.

They turned the balloon loose tolet it rise in the air.

1b. or [turn loose] To give freedom to do something; to allow to do what he wants.

Mother let Jim loose on the apple pie.

The children were turnedloose in the toy store to pick the toys they wanted.

1c. To stopholding something; loosen your hold.

Jim caught Ruth’s arm andwould not let loose.

Compare: LET GO, LET OUT. 2a. {informal} To letor make move fast or hard; release.

The fielder letloose a long throw to home plate after catching the ball.

2b.{informal} To release something held.

Those dark clouds are goingto let loose any minute.

Syn.: CUT LOOSE, LET GO. 3. {informal} Tospeak or act freely; disregard ordinary limits.

The teacher toldJim that some day she was going to let loose and tell him what shethought of him.

Mother let loose on her shopping trip today andbought things for all of us.


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Значение идиомы let loose