[legal age] or [lawful age] The age at which a person is allowed todo a certain thing or is held responsible for an action.
In moststates the legal age for voting is 27.
He could not get a driver’slicense because he was not of lawful age.
Школа моей мечты на английском языке с переводом.
Традиции россии на англ.
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- Значение идиомы hold good[hold good] {v.} 1. To continue to be good; last. The coupon onthe cereal box offered a free toy, but the offer held good only tillthe end of the year. Attendance at the basketball games held goodall winter. 2. To continue; endure: last. The demand for newhouses held good all that year. The agreement between ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы legal age