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Значение идиомы layout
[layout] {n.} General situation; arrangement; plan.
The layoutof their apartment overlooking Lake Michigan was strikingly unusual.
Compare: LAID OUT.
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- Значение идиомы while ago[while ago] {adv.} At a time several minutes in the past; a fewminutes ago; a short time ago. – Used with “a”. I laid mv glasseson this table a while ago; and now they’re gone. A while ago, Marywas tired and wanted to go home; now she’s dancing with Bob as if shecould dance all […]...
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- Значение идиомы go sit on a tack[go sit on a tack] {v.}, {slang} Shut up and go away; stopbothering. – Usually used as a command and considered rude. Henrytold Bill to go sit on a tack. Compare: GO JUMP IN THE LAKE....
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