[latch on] or [hitch onto] {v.}, {informal} 1. To get hold of;grasp or grab; catch.
He looked for something to latch onto andkeep from falling.
The football player latched onto a pass.
2.{slang} To get into your possession.
The banker latched onto athousand shares of stock.
3. {slang} To understand.
The teacherexplained the idea of jet engines until the students latched onto it.
Syn.: CATCH ON. 4. {informal} To keep; to hold.
The poor womanlatched onto the little money she had left.
5. {slang} To stay with;not leave.
Marie and Dick wanted to go to the movies by themselves, but Mane’s little brother latched onto them.
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The lion and the mouse текст.
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