[keep in touch with] {v. phr.} To remain in communication with;maintain contact with.
Don’t forget to keep in touch, either byletter or phone, when you’re in Europe!
Топик british meals.
To eat out of one s hand перевод.
Related topics:
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- TraditionsA man and a woman got married, and he told her : » since you are my wife you should respect my traditions and habits…and i have 3 traditions. So, first tradition: On wednesdays i play football with my friends…no matter what..whether it snows or it rains…i dont care..i play football!! -Is it clear for ... Читать далее...
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- THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT CONSENT FORMName:______________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY No:____________________ ADDRESS:___________________________ CITY:__________________________________ STAFF ELEMENT:_____________________ HOME PHONE No.:________________________ MALE:___________ FEMALE:___________ OFFICE PHONE No.:______________________ SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Male — Female Female — Female Male — Male All of the Above None of the Above — Please Specify: _____________________ I CONSENT TO THE FOLLOWING FORMS OF SEXUAL HARRASSMENT: Salutatory Greeting: _____________________ Eye-to-Eye Contact: ______________________ Eye-to-Bust ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы keep in touch with