[just for the fun of it] {adv. phr.} Merely as a matter ofamusement.
«I’ll bring a goat to class,» Bob said to hisclassmates, «just for the fun of it; I want to see what kind of a faceProfessor Brown will make.»
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Related topics:
- Значение идиомы get one’s goat[get one’s goat] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make a person disgustedor angry. The boy’s laziness all summer got his father’s goat. The slow service at the cafe got Mr. Robinson’s goat....
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- Little Johnny was in class againLittle Johnny was in class again. Teacher asked everyone «Can anyone tell me a sentence with the word definitely in it?» Meg puts up her hand.»The sky is definitely blue.» «Thats not bad, Meg,» says the teacher, «but the sky can be grey or red.» Young Sally tried :»The grass is definitely green.» «Good try ... Читать далее...
- The teacher hears Little Johnny cussing, andThe teacher hears Little Johnny cussing, and gets pissed off. She goes bitching to Little Johnny’s father. She comes to Little Johnny’s house and sees Little Johnny fucking a goat in the front yard. She walks in the house and screams to his father «Your son! Your son! He cussed in the school and now….now ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы the matter[the matter] {adj.} Not as it should be; wrong. — Used in questionsor with negatives or «if». Why don’t you answer me? What’s thematter? John may be slow in arithmetic, but nothing’s the matterwith his pitching arm. If anything is the matter, please tell me....
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Значение идиомы just for the fun of it