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Значение идиомы in touch
[in touch] {adj. phr.} Talking or writing to each other; giving andgetting news.
John kept in touch with his school friends during thesummer.
Police anywhere in the U. S. can get in touch instantlywith any other police department by teletype.
The man claimed tobe in touch with people on another planet.
Compare: KEEP TRACK. Contrast: OUT OF TOUCH.
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- Seeing Old FriendsThis is Turning out to be a month for seeing Old friends. I got an email a couple of weeks ago from an old friend from Graduate School. She and her family are visiting L. A. for a week. They plan to see family and to visit old friends. Since she moved out of the […]...
- Значение идиомы have a hand in[have a hand in] {v. phr.} To have a part in or influence over; tobe partly responsible for. Sue’s schoolmates respect her and shehas a hand in every important decision made by the Student Council. Ben had a hand in getting ready the Senior play. Compare: FINGER INTHE PIE....
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