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Значение идиомы in hopes
[in hopes] {adj. phr.} Hopeful; hoping.
The Mayor was in hopesof having a good day for the parade.
Mother was in hopes that thecake would be good to eat.
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- Значение идиомы head up[head up] {v.}, {informal} 1. To be at the head or front of. Theelephants headed up the whole parade. 2. To be the leader or boss of. Mr. Jones will head up the new business. The class planned acandy sale, and they elected Mary to head it up....
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- Значение идиомы know one in high places[know one in high places] {v. phr.} To be connected with people inpower. Ted’s grandfather was the mayor of Chicago so he knowspeople in high places....
- Значение идиомы hard way[hard way] {n.} The harder or more punishing of two or more ways tosolve a problem, do something, or learn something. – Used with “the”. The mayor refused the help of the crooks and won the election thehard way by going out to meet the people. The challenger found outthe hard way that the champion’s […]...
- Значение идиомы in league with[in league with] or {informal} [in cahoots with] {prep.} In secretagreement or partnership with ; working together secretlywith, especially for harm. People once believed that some womenwere witches in league with the devil. The mayor’s enemies spreada rumor that he was in cahoots with gangsters....
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