[in common] {adv. phr.} Shared together or equally; in use orownership by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith own the store in common.
The four boys grew up together and have a lot in common.
Theswimming pool is used in common by all the children in theneighborhood.
The lion and the mouse перевод.
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- Значение идиомы wear on[wear on] {v.} 1. To anger or annoy; tire. Having to stayindoors all day long is tiresome for the children and wears on theirmother’s nerves. 2. To drag on; pass gradually or slowly; continue inthe same old way. Johnny tried to wait up for Santa Claus but asthe night wore on, he couldn’t keep his ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы egg on[egg on] {v.} To urge on; excite; lead to action. Joe’s wifeegged him on to spend money to show off. The big boys egged on thetwo little boys to fight. Compare: PUT UP....
- A lady was in a hardware store looking atA lady was in a hardware store looking at a fishing poles. She asked the store manager how much it was he said ‘I am blind drop it on the ground and i’ll tell ya. She dropped it on the ground.’Aahh that’s 10.00.’ She bent down and let a big fart that everyone heard. But, ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы great guns[great guns] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. Very fast or very hard. — Usually used in the phrases «blow great guns», «go great guns». Thewind was blowing great guns, and big waves beat the shore. The menwere going great guns to finish the job. Compare: FAST AND FURIOUS.2. Very well; successfully. Smith’s new store opened last ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы get one’s dander up[get one’s dander up] or [get one’s Irish up] {v. phr.} To becomeor make angry. The boy got his dander up because he couldn’t go tothe store. The children get the teacher’s dander up when they makea lot of noise. Compare: BLOW A FUSE....
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- Значение идиомы creep up on[creep up on] {v.} 1. To crawl towards; move along near the ground; steal cautiously towards so as not to be seen or noticed. The mouse did not see the snake creeping up on it over the rocks. Indians were creeping up on the house through the bushes. 2. or [sneak up on] To come ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова poolPool — бассейн, озерцо, пруд Перевод слова Pool of blood — лужа крови depth of a pool — глубина бассейна outdoor swimming pool — открытый плавательный бассейн freshwater pool — озерцо с пресной водой Everyone jumped into the Pool. Все запрыгнули в бассейн. He shoved me into the Pool. Он столкнул меня в бассейн. The ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы go halves[go halves] {v. phr.}, {informal} To share half or equally becomepartners. The boys went halves in raising pigs. The men aregoing halves in a new business. The girl bought a box of candy andwent halves with her roommate....
- Значение идиомы look on[look on] or [look upon] {v.} 1. To regard; consider; think of. The stuff had always been looked on as a worthless factory waste. Until the day Bob made the touchdown, the other boys had looked uponhim as rather a sissy. 2. To be an observer; watch without takingpart. Fred had never been able to ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы — and —[— and —] 1. — And is used between repeated words to show continuation or emphasis. When the children saw the beautiful Christmas tree they looked and looked. Old Mr. Bryan has known Grandfather for years and years, since they were boys. Billy dived to the bottom of the lake again and again, looking for ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы cover ground[cover ground] or [cover the ground] {v. phr.} 1. To go a distance; travel. Mr. Rogers likes to travel in planes, because they cover ground so quickly. 2. {informal} To move over an area at a speed that is pleasing; move quickly over a lot of ground. The new infielder really covers the ground at ... Читать далее...
- Divided by a Common Language — Разделенные общим языкомGeorge Bernard Shaw said that America and Britain were two nations divided by a common language. But how different is British English from American English? Some British and American people gave their definitions for some common words. Something that you burn for heating and cooking Something you put in your car make it go A ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы gain ground[gain ground] {v. phr.} 1. To go forward; move ahead. Thesoldiers fought hard and began to gain ground. 2. To become stronger;make progress; improve. The sick man gained ground after being neardeath. Under Lincoln, the Republican Party gained ground. Contrast: LOSE GROUND....
- Значение идиомы take in[take in] {v.} 1. To include. The country’s boundaries werechanged to fake in a piece of land beyond the river. The class ofmammals takes in nearly all warm-blooded animals except the birds. 2.To go and see; visit. The students decided to take in a movie whilethey were in town. We planned to take in Niagara ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы in stock[in stock] {adj. phr.} Having something ready to sell dr use; inpresent possession or supply; to be sold. The store had no more redshoes in stock, so Mary chose brown ones instead. Compare: IN STORE, ON HAND. Contrast: OUT OF STOCK....
Значение идиомы in common