[in character] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In agreement with aperson’s character or personality; in the way that a person usuallybehaves or is supposed to behave; as usual; characteristic; typical;suitable.
John was very rude at the party, and that was not incharacter because he is usually very polite.
The way Judycomforted the little girl was in character. She did it gently andkindly.
2. Suitable for the part or the kind of part being acted;natural to the way a character in a book or play is supposed to act.
The fat actor in the movie was in character because the character heplayed was supposed to be fat and jolly.
It would not have been incharacter for Robin Hood to steal from a poor man.
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- Отрицательные черты характера (Negative character traits), лексика и слова по темеJealous – ревнивый Bold (daring, impudent, obnoxious) – дерзкий, нахальный, наглый Quarrelsome – конфликтный, вздорный Spoilt – избалованный Naughty – капризный Suspicious — недоверчивый Frivolous – легкомысленный Stingy (greedy) – жадный Deceitful – лживый Devious – неискренний, себе на уме Sneaky – подлый, нечестный Envious — завистливый Selfish – эгоистичный Snobbish (arrogant, conceited) – надменный, ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы in character