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- Значение идиомы hide or hair[hide or hair] or [hide nor hair] {n. phr.}, {informal} A sign ortrace of someone that is gone or lost; any sign at all of somethingmissing. Usually used in negative or interrogative sentence. Tommyleft the house this morning and I haven’t seen hide or hair of himsince. A button fell off my coat and I ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы curl someone’s hair / make someone’s hair curl, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: curl someone’s hair / make someone’s hair curl Идиома: curl someone’s hair / make someone’s hair curl Перевод: шокировать, привести в ужас; заставить волосы встать дыбом Пример: The man described the accident. It was enough to curl your hair! Мужчина описал несчастный случай. От этого волосы вставали дыбом!...
- Значение идиомы get gray hair[get gray hair] or [get gray] {v. phr.}, {informal} To become oldor gray from worrying; become very anxious or worried. — Often usedwith «over». «If John doesn’t join the team, I won’t get gray hairover it,» the coach said. Naughty children are why mothers getgray. Compare: GIVE GRAY HAIR....
- Значение идиомы give gray hair[give gray hair] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make anxious, confused, or worried. The traffic problem is enough to give apoliceman gray hairs. Compare: GET GRAY HAIR....
- Перевод идиомы hang by a hair / hang by a thread, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: hang by a hair / hang by a thread Перевод: висеть на волоске; зависеть от чего-то незначительного Пример: The outcome of the election was hanging by a thread until late at night. Результат выборов висел на волоске до поздней ночи....
- Значение идиомы curl one’s hair[curl one’s hair] {v. phr.}, {slang} To shock; frighten; horrify; amaze. Wait till you read what it says about you — this’ll curl your hair. The movie about monsters from another planet curled his hair....
- Значение идиомы tear one’s hair[tear one’s hair] {v. phr.} To show sorrow, anger, or defeat. Ben tore his hair when he saw the wrecked car. The teacher torehis hair at the boy’s stupid answer. It was time to go to class, but Mary had not finished the report she had to give, and she begantearing her hair....
- Значение идиомы hang by a thread[hang by a thread] or [hang by a hair] {v. phr.} To depend on avery small thing; be in doubt. For three days Tom was so sick thathis life hung by a thread. As Joe got ready to kick a field goal, the result of the game hung by a hair. Compare: HANG IN THE ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы let one’s hair down / let down one’s hair, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: let one’s hair down / let down one’s hair Перевод: расслабиться, делать то, что хочется; не обращать внимания на мнение других, перестать стесняться Пример: Everybody at the party let down their hair and had a good time. На вечеринке все расслаблялись, веселились, и хорошо проводили время....
- Значение идиомы in one’s hair[in one’s hair] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Bothering you again andagain; always annoying. Johnny got in Father’s hair when he wastrying to read the paper by running and shouting. The grown-upssent the children out to play so that the children wouldn’t be intheir hair while they were talking. Compare: GIVE A HARD TIME, INONE’S WAY. Contrast: ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы pin curl[pin curl] {n.} A curl made with a hair clip or bobby pin. Marywashed her hair and put it up in pin curls. All the girls hadtheir hair in pin curls to get ready for the party....
- Значение идиомы let one’s hair down[let one’s hair down] or [let down one’s hair] {v. phr.},{informal} Act freely and naturally; be informal; relax. Kings andqueens can seldom let their hair down. After the dance, thecollege girls let their hair down and compared dates. Compare: LETGO....
- Значение идиомы out of one’s hair[out of one’s hair] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Rid of as a nuisance;relieved of as an annoyance. Harry got the boys out of his hair sohe could study. Compare: OUT OF ONE’S WAY. Contrast: IN ONE’S HAIR....
- Значение идиомы hair stand on end[hair stand on end] {informal} The hair of your head rises stifflyupwards as a sign or result of great fright or horror. When heheard the strange cry, his hair stood on end. The sight of thedead man made his hair stand on end. Compare: BLOOD RUN COLD, HEARTIN ONE’S MOUTH, HEART STAND STILL, JUMP OUT ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы get in someone’s hair, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: get in someone’s hair Идиома: get in someone’s hair разг. Перевод: мешать, беспокоить, раздражать кого-либо Пример: The woman complained that her young child was always getting in her hair. Женщина жаловалась, что ее ребенок постоянно досаждал ей....
- Перевод слова hairHair — волосы Перевод слова Blond hair — белокурые волосы bush of hair — копна волос fly-away hair — пушистые, развевающиеся волосы Fix your Hair! Причеши волосы! She has dark Hair. У нее темные волосы. She pinned up her Hair. Она заколола свои волосы....
- Mrs. Schmidlap hires a maid with beautiful blonde hairMrs. Schmidlap hires a maid with beautiful blonde hair. The first morning, the girl pulls off the hair and says, «I wear a wig, because I was born totally hairless. Not a hair on my body, not even down there.» That night, Mrs. Schmidlap tells her husband. He says, «I’ve never seen anything like that. ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы out of one’s hair, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: out of one’s hair Перевод: уйти и не беспокоить, волновать, досаждать кому-либо Пример: The woman got her children out of her hair and was able to do some work. Женщина сделала так, чтобы дети ей больше не досаждали, и смогла немного поработать....
- Перевод идиомы hair’s breadth, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: hair’s breadth Перевод: ничтожное, минимальное расстояние Пример: Our team won the championship by a hair’s breadth. Наша команда выиграла чемпионат с минимальным перевесом....
- Перевод слова curlCurl — локон, завиток; виться, крутить, скручивать Перевод слова To curl a hat brim — загибать края шляпы dumbbell curl — сгибание рук с гантелями kiss curl — локон, завиток Ivy Curled round the tree. Плющ обвился вокруг дерева. A snake Curled around his leg. Змея обвилась (обмоталась) вокруг его ноги. She Curls her hair ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова grayGray — серый Перевод слова Cold gray skies — холодные серые небеса steel gray colour — серый с голубым отливом цвет gray-scale picture — полутоновое изображение His hair was shot with Gray. В его волосах поблескивали седые нити. It was a Gray, dreary morning. Он был серое, тоскливое утро. A large Gray, indistinct mass stretched ... Читать далее...
- Showing Signs of AgeJulian: What is that, another Gray hair?! My hair is already Thinning on top. I don’t need more gray hairs. Vera: I think Salt and pepper hair looks great on men. It makes them look Distinguished. Julian: It makes them look old. Thank God I don’t have a Receding hairline – yet. Vera: When you ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы one’s hair stands on end, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: one’s hair stands on end Перевод: волосы встали дыбом; испугаться чего-либо Пример: My hair stood on end when I saw the scene after the automobile accident. У меня волосы встали дыбом, когда я увидел место аварии....
- Значение идиомы hang in the balance[hang in the balance] {v. phr.} To have two equally possibleresults; to be in doubt; be uncertain. Until Jim scored the winningtouchdown, the outcome of the game hung in the balance. She wasvery sick and her life hung in the balance for several days. Compare:HANG BY A THREAD....
- Волосы и прически (Hair and hairstyles), лексика и слова по темеHairdresser’s (hair salon) – парикмахерская Barber’s shop – мужская парикмахерская Hairdresser (hair stylist) — парикмахер Barber – мужской парикмахер Haircut – стрижка Hairdo (hairstyle, coiffure) – прическа Updo – высокая прическа Fringe – челка Ponytail – хвост Swept-back hair – гладкая прическа Bun – пучок, гулька Braids (plaits) – косы French plait – французская коса ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы give a hang[give a hang] or [care a hang] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have anyinterest or liking; care. — Used also with other words in the place of»hang», such as «damn», «rap», «straw»; usually used in the negative. You can quit helping me if you want to. I don’t give a hang. Some people don’t care a ... Читать далее...
- Перевод сленгового выражения in someone’s hair, значение и пример использованияСленговое выражение: in someone’s hair Перевод: раздражающий, досаждающий; постоянно беспокоящий кого-либо Пример: My little brother is always getting in my hair! Мой маленький братик постоянно мне досаждает! Be careful how you fill out your tax forms — you don’t want the government in your hair. Внимательно заполняй налоговые анкеты, ты ведь не хочешь чтобы тебя ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова threadThread — нить, нанизывать, пронизывать Перевод слова Covered rubber thread — резиновая нить с обмоткой to thread the rock — проходить сквозь породу (о жиле) the fatal thread — нить жизни Fasten the Thread off with a knot. Закрепи нитку, завязав ее узлом. The girl was Threading beads on a string. Девушка нанизывала бусы на ... Читать далее...
- Just cut your hair firstA young man comes home and says «Dad, just got my driver’s license and would like to use the family car.» Father replies, :»O. K., son. But, first, you have to get good grades in school, keep your room clean, make the yard is neat, and cut your hair. Come back in a few months ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы give one enough rope and he will hang himself[give one enough rope and he will hang himself] {informal} Give abad person enough time and freedom to do as he pleases, and he maymake a bad mistake or get into trouble and be caught. — A proverb. Johnny is always stealing and hasn’t been caught. But give him enoughrope and he’ll hang himself. — ... Читать далее...
- Hair on my chestA woman asks her husband to buy her a fur coat for their 25th anniversary. «HA!» he snorted. «The day I buy you a fur coat will be the day you can grow hair on your chest!» On that she hikes up her skirt, drops her panties, and thrust her pubic area forward, «There! I ... Читать далее...
- Back in the 1960’s white activists often got their hair styledBack in the 1960’s white activists often got their hair styled in an afro — a large bush-style hairdoo — to show support for civil rights. One such fellow did so, and arrived home smiling and announced that he’d also teased all his pubic hair into the same bushy style. His wife, who had had ... Читать далее...
- Your hair smells niceA man walks up to a woman in his office and tells her that her hair smells nice. The woman immediately goes into her supervisor’s office and tells him that she wants to file a sexual harassment suit and explains why. The supervisor is puzzled by this time and says, «What’s wrong with the coworker ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы hang in[hang in ] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To persevere; notto give up; to stick to a project and not lose faith or courage. Hang in there old buddy; the worst is yet to come....
- Значение идиомы tear down[tear down] {v.} 1. To take all down in pieces; destroy. Theworkmen tore down the old house and built a new house in its place. 2. To take to pieces or parts. The mechanics had to tear down theengine, and fix it, and put it together again. 3. To say bad thingsabout; criticize. «Why do ... Читать далее...
- Using Hair Products and AccessoriesDanny: You’re going to the Prom. How exciting! How should we Style you hair? Clarissa: I’m really not sure. I was hoping you would have some ideas. Danny: I do, but first we need to see if we have the right tools. Let’s look in your bathroom. Here’s some Shampoo and Conditioner, but where are ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы tear around[tear around] {v. phr.} To be constantly on the go; dash around. No one can understand how she manages to tear around from one socialevent to another and yet be a good mother to her children....
- Перевод идиомы hang in there / hang on in there, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: hang in there / hang on in there Идиома: hang in there / hang on in there разг. Перевод: держаться, не сдаваться Пример: You should hang in there and not quit your job even if you hate the supervisor. Тебе следует держаться и не бросать работу, даже если тебе не нравится менеджер....
- Cronin goes to a barber shop to get his hair cutCronin goes to a barber shop to get his hair cut. The barber cuts his hair, and after he gets done, as Cronin gets up and is taking out his money, the barber goes over and takes a leak in the corner of the barber shop. The barber finishes and comes back. As Cronin hands ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы hang it[hang it] {interj.}, {informal} An exclamation used to expressannoyance or disappointment. Oh, hang it! I forgot to bring thebook I wanted to show you. Hang it all, why don’t you watch whereyou’re going?...
Значение идиомы hair