[grow on] or [grow upon] {v.} 1. To become stronger in; increase asa habit of.
The habit of eating before going to bed grew uponJohn.
2. To become more interesting to or liked by.
The more Jacksaw Mary, the more she grew on him.
Football grew on Billy as hegrew older.
Topic kazakhstan.
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- Значение идиомы wish on[wish on] {v.} 1. To use as a lucky charm while making a wish. Mary wished on a star that she could go to the dance. Bob wishedon his lucky rabbit’s foot that he could pass the test. 2. or [wishoff on] {informal} To get rid of by passing it onto someone else. Martha did ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы sweep off one’s feet[sweep off one’s feet] {v. phr.} To make have feelings too strong to control; overcome with strongfeeling; win sudden and complete acceptance by through thefeelings. The handsome football captain swept Joan off her feetwhen he said so many things to her at the dance. Joan was sweptoff her feet when the football captain started flirting ... Читать далее...
- Billy was 14 and just started jerkin offBilly was 14 and just started jerkin off. He loved to jerk off. However, one day, his dad walked in on him while he was jerkin off! Billy was so embarrassed. He pulled up his pants as quick as he could. But, his dad already seen him. «Billy,» said his dad, «doing that will make ... Читать далее...
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- A word playA teacher asked her students to use the word «fascinate» in a sentence. Mary said, «My family went to the New York City Zoo, and we saw all the animals. It was fascinating.» The teacher said, «That was good, but I wanted the word «‘fascinate.'» Sally raised her hand. She said, «My family went to ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы grow on