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Значение идиомы for free
[for free] {adj. phr.}, {substandard} Without having to pay; free.
Hey you guys, look at this balloon! They’re for free down at thenew store.





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- Значение идиомы let loose [let loose] {v.} 1a. or [set loose] or [turn loose] To set free;loosen or give up your hold on. The farmer opened the gate and letthe bull loose in the pasture. They turned the balloon loose tolet it rise in the air. 1b. or [turn loose] To give freedom to do something; to allow to […]...
- Free-monty-python-videos-on-youtube-lead-to-23-000-dvd-sale-increase Following up on our previous news regarding Monty Python material on iTunes, Mashable is now reporting on a staggering increase of Monty Python DVDs sold on Amazon soon after the Python crew made some of their their more popular material free on Youtube. And by staggering, I mean 23,000% worth. Mashable notes that Monty Python’s […]...
- Значение идиомы have to do with [have to do with] {v. phr.} 1. To be about; be on the subject of orconnected with. The book has to do with airplanes. 2. To know orbe a friend of; work or have business with. – Usually used in negativesentence. Tom said he didn’t want to have anything to do with thenew boy. I […]...
- Значение идиомы variety store [variety store] {n.} A store that sells many different kinds ofthings, especially items that are fairly small and in everyday use. I went into a variety store and bought some paint. Five-and-tencent stores are a kind of variety store....
- Значение идиомы set store by [set store by] {v. phr.}, {informal} To like or value; want tokeep. Used with a qualifying word between “set” and “store”. Georgesets great store by that old tennis racket. Pat doesn’t set muchstore by Mike’s advice....
- Значение идиомы all the –er [all the –er] {substandard} The –est; as… as. – Used with a comparative adjective or adverb and subordinate clause in place of a superlative adjective or adverb. That was all the bigger he grew. Is that all the faster you can go?...
- Значение идиомы in bad [in bad] {adv. phr.}, {substandard} Out of favor; unpopular; indifficulty; in trouble. No, I can’t go swimming today. Father toldme to stay home, and I don’t want to get in bad. – Usually used with”with”. Mary is in bad with the teacher for cheating on the test. The boy is in bad with the police […]...
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- Значение идиомы from the ground up [from the ground up] {adv. phr.} From the beginning; entirely;completely. After the fire they had to rebuild their cabin from theground up. Sam knows about baseball from the ground up. Thenew cars have been changed from the ground up....