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Значение идиомы foot the bill
[foot the bill] {v. phr.} To cover the expenses of; pay forsomething.
The bride’s father footed two-thirds of the bill for hixdaughter’s wedding.





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- Dealing With Foot Problems Walt: What are you doing? Francesca: I’m selecting and organizing my photos for a Presentation. Walt: Oh, can I see? All of these photos are of feet! Francesca: Well, I am a Podiatrist and I’m giving a talk about foot conditions. Walt: Ew, some of these are really Disgusting! Francesca: You’re looking at some of […]...
- Значение идиомы under cover [under cover] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Hidden; concealed. Theprisoners escaped under cover of darkness. He kept his inventionunder cover until it was patented. Compare: UNDER WRAPS....
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