[eat crow] {v. phr.} To admit you are mistaken or defeated; takeback a mistaken statement.
John had boasted that he would play onthe first team; but when the coach did not choose him, he had to eatcrow.
Fred said he could beat the new man in boxing, but he lostand had to eat crow.
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- Значение идиомы take back[take back] {v.} To change or deny something offered, promised, orstated; admit to making a wrong statement. I take back my offer tobuy the house now that I’ve had a good look at it. I want you totake back the unkind things you said about Kenneth....
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- Значение идиомы steal one’s thunder[steal one’s thunder] {v. phr.} To do or say something, intentionally or not, that another person has planned to say or do. Fred intended to nominate Bill for president, but John got up firstand stole Fred’s thunder. Mary was going to sing «Oh! Susanna,»but Ellen did it first and Mary said Ellen had stolen her ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы eat crow