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Значение идиомы come to blows
[come to blows] {v. phr.} To begin to fight.
The two quarreling boys came to blows after school.
The two countries came to blows because one wanted to be independent from the other.
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- Значение идиомы mess up[mess up] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. To cause trouble; tospoil something. What did you have to mess up my accounts for? 2.To cause someone emotional trauma. Sue will never get married; shegot messed up when she was a teenager. 3. To beat up someonephysically. When Joe came in after the fight with the boys, […]...
- Значение идиомы start out[start out] {v.} 1. To begin to go somewhere. Bill started outfor school on his bicycle. Art started out on a voyage around theworld. Compare: SET OUT. 2. To begin a career or life. Harrystarted out as an errand boy in a business office. We all startout in life as helpless infants. Syn.: START IN. […]...
- Значение идиомы the picture[the picture] {n.} The way things are or were; the facts aboutsomething; the situation; what happened or happens. Where doesSusan come into the picture. When you are looking for a job youreducation enters into the picture. Old Mr. Brown is out of thepicture now and his son runs the store. After the fight on theplayground, […]...
- Значение идиомы draw up[draw up] {v.} 1. To write in its correct form; put in writing. The rich man had his lawyers draw up his will so that each of his children would receive part of his money when he died. 2. To plan or prepare; begin to write out. The two countries drew up a peace treaty […]...
- Значение идиомы at swords’ points[at swords’ points] {adj. phr.} Ready to start fighting; very much opposed to each; other hostile; quarreling. The dog’s barking kept the Browns at swords’ points with their neighbors for months. The mayor and the reporter were always at swords’ points....
- Значение идиомы bent on[bent on] or [bent upon] Very decided, determined, or set. The sailors were bent on having a good time. The policeman saw some boys near the school after dark and thought they were bent on mischief. The bus was late, and the driver was bent upon reaching the school on time....
- Значение идиомы cook up[cook up] {v.}, {informal} To plan and put together; make up; invent. The boys cooked up an excuse to explain their absence from school....