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Значение идиомы come one’s way
[come one’s way] {v. phr.} To be experienced by someone; happen to you.
Tom said that if the chance to become a sailor ever came his way, he would take it.
I hope bad luck isn’t coming our way.
Luck came Bill’s way today and he hit a home run.
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- Значение идиомы take place[take place] {v. phr.} To happen; occur. The accident took placeonly a block from his home. The action of the play takes place inancient Rome. The dance will take place after the graduationexercises. Compare: GO ON....
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- Значение идиомы have been around[have been around] {v. phr.}, {informal} Have been to many placesand done many things; know people; have experience and be able to takecare of yourself. Uncle Willie is an old sailor and has really beenaround. Betty likes to go out with Jerry, because he has beenaround. It’s not easy to fool him; he’s been around. […]...
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- Значение идиомы get what’s coming to one[get what’s coming to one] or {slang} [get one’s] {v. phr.} Toreceive the good or bad that you deserve; get what is due to you; getyour share. At the end of the movie the villain got what was comingto him and was put in jail. John didn’t think he was getting whatwas coming to him, […]...
- A disabled sea captainAn old sea captain with one wooden leg, one hook replacing a missing hand, and one missing eye goes into a bar. The sailor sitting next to him says, “You’re really in bad shape. What happened to your leg?” “I fell overboard,” says the Captain, “and before my mates could pull me aboard, a shark […]...
- Значение идиомы here goes[here goes] {interj.}, {informal} I am ready to begin; I am nowready and willing to take the chance; I am hoping for the best. – Saidespecially before beginning something that takes skill, luck, orcourage. “Here goes!” said Charley, as he jumped off the highdiving board. “Here goes!” said Mary as she started the test....
- Значение идиомы run into[run into] {v.} 1. To mix with; join with. If the paint brush istoo wet, the red paint will run into the white on the house. Thissmall brook runs into a big river in the valley below. 2. To add upto; reach; total. Car repairs can run into a lot of money. Thenumber of people […]...
- Значение идиомы all up[all up] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Near to certain death or defeat without any more chance or hope. With their ammunition gone the patrol knew that it was all up with them....
- Значение идиомы write home about[write home about] {v. phr.} To become especially enthusiastic orexcited about; boast about. – Often used after “to”. Mary’s trip tothe World’s Fair was something to write home about. Joe did a goodenough job of painting but it was nothing to write home about. “That was a dinner worth writing home about!” said Bill coming […]...
- Значение идиомы iron out[iron out] {v.}, {informal} To discuss and reach an agreement about ; find a solution for ; remove. The company and its workers ironed out theirdifferences over hours and pay. The House and Senate ironed outthe differences between their two different tax bills. Compare: MAKEUP....