[cause eyebrows to raise] {v. phr.} To do something that causes consternation; to shock others.
When Algernon entered Orchestra Hall barefoot and wearing a woman’s wig, he caused eyebrows to raise.
Английский поход в кино.
Упражнение other и others.
Related topics:
- Значение идиомы raise eyebrows[raise eyebrows] {v. phr.} To shock people; cause surprise ordisapproval. The news that the princess was engaged to a commonerraised eyebrows all over the kingdom....
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- Упражнения на проблемные глаголы to lie, to lay, to sit, to set, to rise, to raise, to find, to found (с ответами)1. Напишите три формы каждого глагола (Past Simple и Past Participle). To lie (лежать) — To lay (класть, стелить) – To lie (врать) – To rise (подниматься) To raise (поднимать, воспитывать) – To sit (сидеть) – To set (ставить, устанавливать) – To find (находить) – To found (основать) – 2. Используйте глагол to lie или ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы queer fish[queer fish] {n.} A strange or unusual person who does odd things. Uncle Algernon dresses in heavy furs in the summer andshort-sleeved shirts in the winter. No wonder everyone considers him aqueer fish....
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- Strict schoolIt was the first day of school, and the elementary school teacher was establishing the fact that she’d take no nonsense from the kiddies this year. While taking the roll, she was told by one boy «My name is Johnny Fuckhauer». So she said «There’ll be none of that kind of thing this year, Johnny; ... Читать далее...
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- The blind date had not been all that great andThe blind date hadn’t been all that great and she was relieved the evening was finally over. At her apartment door, he suddenly said «Hey! You wanna see my underwear?» Before she could respond, he had dropped his pants, right there in the hall, revealing that he wasn’t wearing any. She glanced down and said, ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы cause eyebrows to raise