[brazen it out] {v. phr.} To pretend you did nothing wrong; be suspected, accused, or scolded without admitting you did wrong; act as if not guilty.
The teacher found a stolen pen that the girl had in her desk, but the girl brazened it out; she said someone else must have put it there.
The history of halloween.
Family relationships тема.
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- Значение идиомы in the wrong[in the wrong] {adj. phr.} With moral or legal right or truthagainst you; against justice, truth, or fact; wrong. In attacking asmaller boy, Jack was plainly in the wrong. Mary was in the wrongto drink from a finger bowl. Since he had put pennies behind thefuses, Bill was in the wrong when fire broke out. ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы brazen it out