[bolt from the blue] {n. phr.} Something sudden and unexpected; an event that you did not see coming; a great and usually unpleasant surprise; shock.
We had been sure she was in Chicago, so her sudden appearance was a bolt from the blue.
His decision to resign was a bolt from the blue.
About cooking топик.
Modern means of communication тема по английскому.
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- Значение идиомы raise eyebrows[raise eyebrows] {v. phr.} To shock people; cause surprise ordisapproval. The news that the princess was engaged to a commonerraised eyebrows all over the kingdom....
- Can Blue-Colored Light Prevent Suicide?An intriguing, anecdotal finding was recently reported by some news outlets that the implementation of blue-colored streetlights has reduced both crime and suicides: Glasgow, Scotland, introduced blue street lighting to improve the city’s landscape in 2000. Afterward, the number of crimes in areas illuminated in blue noticeably decreased. The Nara, Japan, prefectural police set up ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы have it coming[have it coming] {v. phr.} To deserve the good or bad things thathappen to you. I feel sorry about Jack’s failing that course, buthe had it coming to him. Everybody said that Eve had it comingwhen she won the scholarship. Compare: ASK FOR, GET WHAT’S COMING TOONE, SERVE RIGHT....
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- Значение идиомы top off[top off] {v.} To come or bring to a special or unexpected ending;climax. John batted three runs and topped off the game with a homerun. Mary hadn’t finished her homework, she was late to school, and to top it all off she missed a surprise test. George had steakfor dinner and topped it off with ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы bolt from the blue