[be out] {v. phr.} 1. To not be at home or at one’s place of work.
I tried to call but they told me that Al was out.
2. To be unacceptable; not be considered; impossible.
I suggested that we hire more salespeople but the boss replied that such a move was positively out.
3. To be poorer by; suffer a loss of.
Unless more people came to the church picnic, we realized we would be out $500 at least.
4. To be in circulation, in print, published.
Jane said that her new novel won’t be out for at least another month.
5. A baseball term indicating that a player has been declared either unfit to continue or punished by withdrawing him.
The spectators thought that John was safe at third base, but the umpire said he was out.
English speaking countries.
English in my life.
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Значение идиомы be out