[at one’s best] {prep. phr.} In best form; displaying one’s best qualities.
Tim is at his best when he has had a long swim before a ballgame.
Jane rested before the important meeting because she wanted to be at her best.
Fashion топик по английскому языку.
Роль музыки в моей жизни на английском.
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- Значение идиомы out of[out of] {prep.} 1a. From the inside to the outside of. Johntook the apple out of the bag. Get out of the car! The teacherhas gone out of town. 1b. In a place away from. No, you can’t seeMr. Jones; he is out of the office today. Our house is ten milesout of town. 2. ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы at one’s best