Victory day
В топике День Победы я рассказываю о Великой Отечественной войне, которая давно закончилась, но память о ней всегда жива. Потому что эхо этой войны коснулось почти каждой семьи в нашей стране. В топике я рассказываю о своем прадеде и о его сыне, которые прошли с боями всю Европу и встретили День Победы в Берлине. Боевые награды моего прадеда – реликвии нашей семьи. День Победы был и должен оставаться самым светлым праздником для нас.
65 years have passed since the day of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war, but its echo till now doesn`t calm down in humans` souls. We haven`t the right to forget the horror of that war. We haven`t
This war has left its sign in my family too. My great-grandfather is Shvakin Michael lived in the village Rybinskie Budy of Kursk region. He was called to defend the native land in 1941. When he went to the front, he had had a son and two small daughters; one of them was my grandmother. He fought in the infantry under the command of Marshal Rokossovski. His 16 years old son Leonid was called up in 1942. As fate has willed it they both took part in the liberation of the town Konigsberg, but didn`t meet. The father and the son went the whole Europe and met the Victory day in Berlin. They were wounded and treated in hospital there, but didn`t meet again. They took part in the liberation of Poland, Czechoslovakia, the cities and towns of Germany. My great-grandfather had many battle rewards. They are our family`s relic now.
So, I think Victory day was and must remain the lightest holiday. Our forefathers gave us the opportunity to live under the peaceful sky now and we mustn`t forget about that. I`m proud of my great-grandfather. Thanks him and other simple soldiers’ daily feat of arms, fascism was defeated!
We bow our heads to the simple soldier, but the real hero!





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