Denzel: Excuse me, where is the Restroom?
Server: It’s down the hall, on your left.
Denzel: Thanks.
When I got into the bathroom, it was a Mess. I walked into a Stall and there was Toilet paper all over the floor. There were no Toilet seat covers and the Toilet wouldn’t Flush. Even the Toilet seat was broken!
I Gave up on the stall and decided to use a Urinal. I went to wash my hands, but there was no Soap in the Dispenser. I kept hitting the Pump, but nothing came out.
When I turned on the Faucet, water Splashed all over my pants. I looked for some Paper towels to dry myself, but they were Out. I tried using one of the Hand dryers, but that was broken, too.
I couldn’t believe what a mess this bathroom was. I just thought, what happened here? World War III?
My leisure time топик с переводом.
My biographe.
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Using the Restroom