Mass Media – Средства массовой информации (4)

Nowadays information communication is an important part of our life. It goes without saying that mass media has become an integral part of modern people’s life. People live with a constant necessity of getting


Poltava – one of the most interesting towns of Ukraine – is situated on the picturesque bank of the river Vorskla. Due to its history Poltava is of great interest. It was first mentioned

My Room

В топике Моя комната я рассказываю, что из всех 3-х комнат нашей квартиры, мне больше всего нравится моя собственная. Она удобна и для работы, и для отдыха: в ней не много мебели, но есть

I Want to be an Interpreter – Я хочу быть переводчиком

I want to be an interpreter. It is an interesting and useful profession. My parents have a large library and they taught me to like books. I like reading books. My favourite subjects in

Традиции в России/ Traditions In Russia

На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Traditions In Russia Традиции в России Every nation has its own culture and traditions. Russia is a unique country with a centuries-old history and long-established national customs.

Памятный день/ Memorable Day

На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Memorable Day Памятный день Every man keeps in his memory a day which he remembered for life, because it left deep impression. Some people remember this day

Shopping: a Must and a Pleasure

В топике Шопинг: необходимость и удовольствие я делюсь своим мнением, что такое шопинг. Думаю, что есть покупки необходимые, а есть – для удовольствия. Если совместить оба эти понятия, то шопинг будет всегда приносить удовольствие.

Administration. The Judicial Branch of the Government – Государственное управление. Судебная власть

The judicial branch of the federal government is headed by the U. S. Supreme Court, which interprets the meaning of the Constitution and of federal laws. It consists of nine justices appointed for life

Ужасные выходные/ Terrible Weekend

На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Terrible Weekend Ужасные выходные We all love weekends, but not all of them are good. Recently I’ve had the worst weekend in my life. As usually I

Sport in Great Britain – Спорт в Великобритании (4)

British sports may be classified into four sections. First, the varieties of balls with different varieties of implements. Secondly, hunting. Thirdly, the performance of some feat of physical strength, agility or endurance. And fourthly,
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