Altai is in my heart – Сердцу милый край
Hi! My name is Marina and I`d like to tell you about my native place. It`s a wonderful place, though there are a lot of people who think that there are more interesting lands
An Alien in Wonderland – Пришелец в Стране Чудес
There are a lot of planets in the space. Some of them are inhabited. The inhabitants of one nameless planet wanted it to be the most wonderful in the Universe and they spent all
Children`s happiness – Детское счастье
Childhood is the happiest time. We always remember our childhood as the happiest moments of our life. However, childhood made for us our parents. Each child dreams about happy family, about loving parents. And
At the Cinema – В кино
I really enjoy going to the cinema; it is one of the favorite pastimes even though I don’t really go that often. Fortunately, the cinema isn’t too far away from where I live and
For me life is a dance – Для меня жизнь это танец
For me life is a dance. I cannot imagine myself without it. Every movement, swing, turn, makes the world brighter. I have been dancing since I was 5. And it is passion of my
Defoe Daniel – Даниэль Дефо
DD was the founder of the realistic novel. He was also a brilliant journa-list and in many ways the father of modern English periodicals. He founded and paved the way for many magazines (
Food buying – Покупка еды
Supermarkets have become an ordinary tiling in the life of a modern city. Most people go there to buy food. There is also a wide choice of pet food and household goods like soap,
Albert Einstein – Альберт Энштейн
Albert Einstein is known all over the world as a brilliant theoretical physicist and the founder of the theory of relativity. He is perhaps the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Some of his
Foreign Affairs of Ukraine – Украинские международные отношения
Ukraine has different relations with many countries of the world. We have wide relations with Canada, the USA, Great Britain and other countries. Recently a great number of various joint ventures and economic, cultural
Goldsmith Oliver – Оливер Голдсмит
The fifth child of a country rector in Ireland, Oliver Goldsmith entered Trinity College, Dublin, in 1745 and earned a bachelor of arts degree in 1749. He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh