Things Associated with Autumn
Erin: Smell that!
Sean: Smell what?
Erin: Can’t you smell the Changing of the seasons? I love Autumn. The Fall colors are out and there’s a Chill is in the air.
Sean: That means I’ll be Raking leaves every weekend when I should be watching football.
Erin: How can you be so Grumpy when you see cute little Squirrels squirreling away their nuts for the winter?
Sean: That just means they’re running across the roof even more often, waking me up every morning.
Erin: Not even you can Put a damper on my good mood. I can’t wait for Homecoming games and especially the Harvest festivals. They’ll be Hayrides, bonfires, and S’mores!
Sean: As you know, I have hay Allergies and those bonfires are a danger to the environment. And I don’t like s’mores, in the summer or in the fall.
Erin: How can you be such a Party-pooper?
Sean: The only good thing about the fall is that it’s right before winter when bears go into Hibernation, so I won’t have to worry about running into one. Hey, what’s this?
Erin: This is a cup of hot chocolate to put you in the fall mood. Drink up and we’ll go for a walk outside. It’s a beautiful day and a walk will help you see all that you’re missing.
Sean: I’ll drink the hot chocolate, but don’t expect any Epiphanies.
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