The following is supposedly a true story. To be included, besides being true, the story is most likely strange, weird, surprising, or funny.
A bird dropped a snake over a California power station, short-circuiting a line and causing a two-hour blackout.
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A Creighton University (Nebraska) Law School senior, told she wouldn’t graduate because of a failing grade on a final exam, sued her professor, claiming he flunked her because she is «politically incorrect.»
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Biloxi, Mississippi, jurors acquitted a woman of drug charges, then passed the hat to collect $55 to pay her bus fare home to Texas.
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A man allegedly held up 18 New York businesses after casing the places while filling out job or rental applications. The spree ended after he accidentally signed his real name on one of the forms, police said.
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Harlan County, Nebraska, Assessor Floyd Schippert was unopposed in the Democratic primary, and just to be sure, he entered — and won — the Republican primary also.
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Willie Turner wasn’t running for the Dendron, Virginia, Town Council. He didn’t even vote. But he won with five write-in votes.
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A Hollywood, California man is accused of renting cars, selling them, then stealing them back for return to the rental companies.
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Corpus Christi, Texas, police said it was a hit-and-gallop accident: A man crashed his truck into the back of a car, then fled on the horse he was pulling in the trailer.
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Strange headline news