Speaking to a Baby or Young Child
My sister had to go out of town for a couple of days and I offered To look after her 18-month-old Twins. It wasn’t long before I realized that I was Over my head!
Colleen: Okay, you two, it’s time to go Beddy-bye.
Baby: No!
Colleen: Yes, let’s get your Jammies on. You can keep your Binkie for now. Your Blankie is already in your bed and it’s time to go Night-night.
Baby: Potty!
Colleen: Okay, once you have your jammies on, we’ll go potty. What’s the matter, Mark?
Baby: Owie!
Colleen: You have an owie? Where? In your Tummy? Oh, you have a Boo-boo on your finger. No, don’t stick your wet finger in your brother’s ear. That’s Icky. Wait one Teensy-weensy minute and I’ll put a Band-aid on it.
Baby: Whee!
Colleen: Michael, you can’t jump off the chair like that. That’s a No-no. Oopsie-daisy!
Baby: Waaaaa!
Michael had Learned his lesson and so had I!
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