Retiring Abroad
Wanda: I just heard the news. You’re moving to McQuillanland?
George: I am. I’ve decided To retire abroad.
Wanda: Why?
George: It makes a lot of sense for people with a Fixed income. Social Security will Only go so far here, but the Cost of living is much lower in other countries, including McQuillanland. I can Live it up at a fraction of the cost of living Modestly here.
Wanda: But you’re moving away from all of your friends and family.
George: I can stay in touch Remotely and there is an American Expat community there so I can make new friends. I am a little worried about learning the language and Adjusting to life abroad, but I’ll be living a simpler life there and there’ll be less stress.
Wanda: But sometimes things aren’t so reliable when you live abroad.
George: Like what?
Wanda: I’ve heard that the Internet services can be unreliable and Power outages are common in McQuillanland. Are you sure you want To put down stakes in a foreign country?
George: What do I have to lose? I already have my Residency visa and a condo on the beach waiting for me. The real question is: when are you going To take the plunge?
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