Топик Пушкин и наше время рассказывает о влиянии творчества великого русского поэта, занимающего выдающееся место в русской литературе и культуре. Меняются поколения людей и уходят, а Пушкин остается. Пушкин для всех нас — не только великий поэт, он олицетворяет образ идеального человека, сочетающего блестящий талант с гражданским мужеством и моральной целостностью. Его имя крепко связано с воспитанием любви к Родине и всему лучшему в нашей жизни. В творчестве Александра Сергеевича Пушкина мы видим изображение русской жизни, русского интеллекта, русской души, жизни Русской земли во все времена.
It would be a platitude to say that A. S. Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet. But I hope no one is challenging the view that he occupies an outstanding place in Russian literature and culture.
Every summer in June, thousands of people visit the Pskov land. They come here to the village of Mikhailovskoye to the wonderful festival of poetry, to see the places where he lived and worked.
Pushkin is always alive for us, he is the man we all know and love, the greatest of poets. Generations come and go, but Pushkin still remains. We are all grateful to Pushkin for each line of his works. Pushkin is not only a great poet for us. He is the perfect man combining brilliant talent with civil courage and moral integrity. His name is associated with our love for the Motherland, and the best in our life.
Hundreds of new concepts, hundreds of new words have appeared in the language in the years that have passed since his death, but not a single word of his poetry has become obsolete. The old forms of life went into the past, but everything written by Pushkin continues to live. It has not become something of the past, it does not need any corrections and hardly needs commentary. His feelings and his views still correspond to our own feelings and views.
We admire the great world of Pushkin’s poetry as a whole, each of us finding some special lines for himself, lines showing Pushkin’s great and generous heart, his sympathy and respect for his people. Whatever Pushkin’s work we see portrayal of Russian life, the Russian intellect, the Russian soul, the life of the Russian land in all epochs, the Russian people. The reader cannot imagine his inner world without him.
Биография христофора колумба на английском с переводом.
Топик музыка в моей жизни.
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Pushkin and Our Time