Предлоги после прилагательных и глаголов в английском

To be fond OF smth. – любить что-то.
HM the Queen is not very fond of going to concerts.

To be angry WITH smb. – злиться на кого-то.
Helen was angry with me for keeping her waiting.

To be famous FOR smth. – быть известным чем-то.
Pierre Curie is famous for his discoveries in physics.

To arrive AT the airport – прибывать в…(здание).
We expect them to arrive at the airport by 5.

To arrive IN the city (town) – прибывать в… (местность).
The Japanese delegation is arriving in the city at the end of this week.

To be late FOR smth. – опаздывать куда-то.
Jane is often late for classes.

To depend ON smb. – зависеть от чего-то.
Lots of things depend on you.

To travel BY train/car/plane

путешествовать на…
This time I would prefer travelling by plane.

To graduate FROM the university/institute/college – закончить учебное заведение.
Many outstanding people have graduated from Oxford.

To happen TO smb. – случаться с кем-то.
What has happened to you?

To be surprised AT smth. – удивляться чему-то.
Jack will be very much surprised at your departure.

To make an impression ON smb. – производить впечатление на кого-то.
Last week’s performance at Covent Garden made a great impression on the audience.

To rely ON smb./smth. – полагаться на кого-то/что-то.
You may rely on me.

To have influence ON smb./smth. – влиять на кого-то/что-то.
The Yukos row has a negative influence on Russia’s image abroad.

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Предлоги после прилагательных и глаголов в английском