Server: Hello, I’m Allie and I’ll be your Server today. Here’s a menu. Can I take your Drink order?
Joel: I’d like a glass of water with no ice.
Server: Sure. Will that be Sparkling or Still?
Joel: Uh, Tap.
Server: Okay, one glass of tap water. Would you like anything else? We have Soda, Iced tea, Lemonade…
Joel: I’d like a Diet Coke.
Server: Sure, I’ll be right back with your drinks in just one moment.
Joel: Can you bring me a Wine list?
Server: No problem…Here is your water and Diet Coke, and this is our wine list. Are you looking for any wine in particular? We have an Extensive selection and some very fine House wines.
Joel: I’m looking for the kind I drink at home.
Server: What Label is the wine you drink at home?
Joel: I don’t remember the name, but it has a very Distinctive packaging.
Server: Oh, can you describe it?
Joel: Sure, it’s a large white box…
Server: You mean it’s a Boxed wine?
Joel: Yes, that’s right.
Server: I’m sorry. We don’t have any boxed wines.
Joel: And you call yourself a restaurant?
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Placing a Drink Order