Sell — продавать, торговать Перевод слова
Sell in bulk — продавать оптом
to sell the whole caboodle — продавать все вместе
to sell like hot cakes — раскупаться, продаваться нарасхват
Toni’s Selling her car for £700.
Тони продает свою машину за 700 фунтов.
She Sold me again.
Опять она меня надула.
Buy low and Sell high.
Покупай — дешево, продавай — дорого.
Домашние обязанности на английском языке с переводом.
One's man meat is another man's poison перевод.
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- Значение идиомы dose out[dose out] {v.} To sell the whole of; end by selling all the goods; also, to sell your stock and stop doing business. The store dosed out its stock of garden supplies. Mr. Jones dosed out his grocery. Mr. Randall was losing money in his shoe store, so he decided to dose out....
- Перевод слова goodsGoods — товары, вещи Перевод слова The bulk of the goods — основная масса товаров comprehensive range of goods and services — полный ассортимент товаров и услуг to declare goods at the customs — декларировать товары на таможне Part of the Goods perished. Часть товаров испортилась. Please advise us when the Goods reach you. Пожалуйста, ... Читать далее...
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- Уроки по английскому языку — Урок 146Our last lesson You have reached the last lesson, but not the end! You can congratulate yourself because the bulk1 of the work has been completed. From now on, it will be «plain sailing». Of course, you cannot expect to speak* like an Englishman after only a few months of part-time2 study, but now you ... Читать далее...
Перевод слова sell