Restaurant — ресторан Перевод слова
Buffet restaurant — ресторанчик, работающий по системе «шведский стол»
decent restaurant — приличный ресторан
to dine at a restaurant — обедать в ресторане
We had dinner at a local Restaurant.
Мы поужинали в местном ресторане.
That Restaurant was a real find!
Тот ресторан был настоящей находкой!
The Restaurant opened earlier this month.
Ресторан открылся в начале этого месяца.
Tv in my life.
Seasons and the weather.
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- George W. Bush walks into a restaurant in Washington DCGeorge W. Bush walks into a restaurant in Washington DC with his wife Laura. The waiter approaches the table and asks for his order. «I’ll have your biggest, juiciest London Broil,» answers the President. «But sir, what about the mad cow?!!» asks the waiter. «Oh,» answers Dubya, «she’ll order for herself.»...
- A manager of a restaurant had called its ownerA manager of a restaurant had called its owner to ask about whether or not she should hire a new waitress. «She can speak twelve different languages, which will be good for foreign visitors,» said the manager. «All right, so hire her,» the owner replied.»But, sir…» «I knew there would be a but. What’s wrong ... Читать далее...
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Перевод слова restaurant