Lawyer — адвокат, юрист Перевод слова
A lawyer by profession — юрист по профессии
lawyer’s clients — клиенты адвоката
lawyer practice, practice of law — юридическая практика
You should see a Lawyer.
Вы должны увидеться с адвокатом.
You should talk to a Lawyer.
Вам следует проконсультироваться с юристом.
I got a letter from my Lawyer.
Я получил письмо от своего адвоката.
Происхождение слова lawyer
Образовано от слова
Описать гарри поттера на английском.
My future career текст.
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- About My Career (Legal Career) — О моей карьереI originally became interested in the law during my 9th form when I realised that my skills as a writer, speaker, and leader — as well as my powers of logic — would probably serve me well in a legal career. That is why I entered an optional class where I could have lessons on ... Читать далее...
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Перевод слова lawyer