One day, a young cowboy and a cowgirl decided to get married. He was a man of the world and she was an innocent bride with no experience. On the first night of their honeymoon the couple washed up and started to get ready for bed. When they get into bed, they start exploring each other’s bodies. Things are going fine until the bride discovers her husband’s penis. «Oh my», she says, «What is that?» «Well, darlin», the cowboy says, «That’s ma rope». \She slides her hands further down and gasps. «Oh my goodness. What’s them?» she asks. «Honey, them’s my knots», he answers. Finally, the couple begin to make love. After several minutes, the bride says, «Stop honey. Wait a minute». Her husband, panting a little, asks, «What’s the matter honey? Am I hurting you?» «No», the bride replies. «Just undo them damn knots. I need more rope!»
Топик моя биография.
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One day, a young cowboy and a cowgirl decided