В топике Мои обязанности по дому я рассказываю о том, что именно я делаю, чтобы помочь своим родителям, так как работы по дому всегда достаточно. Мне нравится помогать своим родителям и в саду, а еще я часто помогаю своему брату делать уроки.
My name is…… I am 17 years old. I have already finished my school. There are four people in my family: my mother, my father, my brother and me. We have a two-room flat. There is always much work to do about the house. There is always much work in the garden near the summer-cottage. My duties about the house are to clean the rooms, to wash the dishes after meals, to do shopping. Sometimes I help my mother to bake cakes and pies, to lay the table for meals. I usually help my brother to do lessons. In the spring and in the autumn I often help my parents in the garden. I look after the flowers and vegetables. I enjoy helping my parents.
My worst holiday.
Полезная и не полезная еда на английском.
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- Значение идиомы eat one out of house and home[eat one out of house and home] {v. phr.} 1. To eat so much as tocause economic hardship. Our teenaged sons are so hungry all thetime that they may soon eat us out of house and home. 2. To overstayone’s welcome. We love Bob and Jane very much, but after two weekswe started to feel ... Читать далее...
- Белый дом/ The White HouseНа английском языке Перевод на русский язык The White House Белый дом The White House is the official office and residence of the president of the United States of America. Many years ago it was known as the Presidential Palace or the Executive Mansion. It is situated in Washington, D. C. at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, ... Читать далее...
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- Finding a House to BuyI’m looking to buy a house and I want a Single-family home. I have been living in a Townhouse for two years and I am tired of having Common walls and very small Yards. My new house will have to have a lot more Square footage, a large Lot size, an Open floor plan, great ... Читать далее...
- Finding a House to BuyI’m looking to buy a house and I want a Single-family home. I have been living in a Townhouse for two years and I am tired of having Common walls and very small Yards. My new house will have to have a lot more Square footage, a large Lot size, an Open floor plan, great ... Читать далее...
My duties about the house