My best holiday was Bodrum holiday

В топике Мой лучший отдых был в Бодруме – я рассказываю о том, какое впечатление на меня произвел турецкий город Бодрум и отдых на море с моей девушкой. Все было очень интересно: мы увидели много красивых и древних зданий, улиц, статуй, музеев, хорошо отдохнули на пляже и побывали на концерте. Я не первый раз отдыхал в этом месте, но с удовольствием поеду еще.

My best holiday I spent with my girlfriend, we rested and stayed 4 weeks in hotel Kempinski in Bodrum, Turkey. We flew on an airplane in Turkey from Cyprus. It was the second time in my life because I was there last year with my boss and their children.

My holiday was exciting and full of joy. We saw a church, museum and drawings street scenes, landscapes, statues, some of the most famous masters’ work. We bought unusual souvenirs.

We relaxed at the beach and we got a nice tan. During travel across Turkey for four weeks we saw several beautiful cities Kusadasi and Izmir, cultures that exist on this continent. There was a concert of Turkish Pop group, we went there danced, laughed and enjoyed these days.

Each day I woke up with excitement, ready to go and explore the new place. I enjoyed it immensely. It was wonderful our holiday in Turkey, holiday was full of adventure. Each night I fall asleep and dreamt of what tomorrow would bring us. I am looking forward to going there again soon.

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My best holiday was Bodrum holiday