I love music, I think people can not live without it. The first thing I do in the morning I switch on my tape — recorder.
We can hear music everywhere: in the streets, in the shops, on TV, over the radio, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. I think it’s really doesn’t matter what kind of music you prefer: rock, pop, classical, jazz. A lot of people are fond of music. They buy tapes, go to the concerts, visit Concert Halls and Opera Theatres.
I enjoy listening music because it reflects my moods and emotions. Very often when I’m blue, I play my favourite merry songs and feel much better.
Sometimes I attend music halls and the concerts, when popular groups and singers are there. I like watching music programs on TV. I like to know more and more about popular talented groups and singers I like.
One wall of my room is covered with posters of «Bon Jovi», «Scorpions», «Roxette», Russian singers Agutin, Sjutkin, Linda and others. Some people go to musics schools, they play different musical instruments, sing in the chorus, try to compose music.
Unfortunately there are so many ungifted singers on the stages, that it makes me sad.
To have a good producer doesn’t mean to have good ears and voice. I think that only talented people can claim to be singers.
Текст my leisure time.
Моя комната мечты на английском языке.
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Music is my life