For decades Moscow has had a reputation as a city oftheatres. The birth plays of the historic «Bolshoy», «Maly» and»Moscow Art» theatres the city has been and steel is a centre forthe development exploretary modern ideas in the dramatic art andis famous for it’s great number of highlygifted, interestingdirectors, actors, playwrigts and artists.
Every evening the doors of Moscow theatres open to streamsof theatre-goers. The best Moscow theatres devoted themselves todevelopment of the principals of directing and acting laid down byStanislavsky, Meerhold, Nemerovich-Danchenko, Vachtangov andothers. The discoveries and successes of Moscow theatres todayexist due to experience and triumphs of preceding generations.
I’d like to tell you about the Bolshoy Theatre.
The magestic building of the Bolshoy Theatre stands inSverdlov Square in Moscow’s central quater, not far from Kremlin. This is the leading Russian opera house with the best vocalistsand choreographers in it’s company.
The Bolshoi traces it’s history to 1776 when a standingopera company was organized in Moscow. The first opera shown inBolshoi theatre was opera «life of tsar» (now «Ivan Susanin»).Atlater times operas by Dargomyzhsky, Serov, Tcaikovsky, Borodin, Moussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Rubinstein were produced here.
At the same time the Bolshoi company staged the best operasand ballets by West European composers — Mozart, Rossini, Weber, Verdi and others.
The Bolshoi ballet company enjoys well-deserved fame as theworld’s finest ballet. This is equally true of it’s brilliant realistic style of perfomance and repertoire.
Buying a souvenir.
Topic about my town.
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- Theatre and Cinema — Театр и киноNowadays, the theatre is less popular than the cinema. Due to the popularity of television and since the appearance of video, theatre has lost a great deal of its attraction. Besides, theatre tickets are very expensive, especially in good theatres. So we can say that a visit to a famous theatre has become a luxury. ... Читать далее...
Moscow theatres