Charlotte: Mmm, something smells good.
Mohamed: Hey, put down that Lid!
Charlotte: Sorry, I just wanted to see what you’re making.
Mohamed: I’m making chicken Soup.
Charlotte: I’m really in the mood for a Hearty stew. There’s nothing more Appetizing on a cold day than a good stew.
Mohamed: Right, well, this is a simple chicken soup with a Clear stock And vegetables.
Charlotte: All you would have to do is Thicken the soup and let it Simmer a little longer. Then, Presto! You have a stew.
Mohamed: I get it. You’re Partial to thick soups, but I feel like making a simple chicken soup. I don’t have time to cook a stew in a Slow cooker, which is how I usually make it, not in a Pot.
Charlotte: All right, all right. Oh, a nice Puree or Bisque would be nice too. Doesn’t a Chowder sound good right now? I could really Go for a nice bowl of chowder.
Mohamed: Fine, we’ll have chowder for dinner tomorrow.
Charlotte: Really?
Mohamed: Yes, and it’ll be the best chowder you’ve ever tasted – that comes out of a Can.
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Чем я занимаюсь в свободное время сочинение на английском.
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Making Soups and Stews