Leadership And Motivation

Топик Лидерство и мотивация рассказывает о том, какими качествами и способностями нужно обладать, чтобы стать лидером. У человека, стремящегося стать лидером, должна быть личная и очень твердая мотивация, заставляющая его усердно работать для достижения намеченных целей. Каждый лидер или руководитель должен хорошо разбираться в людях, правильно оценивать их сильные и слабые стороны в выполнении трудовых обязанностей и, что немаловажно, понимать проблемы и потребности своих подчиненных. Лидер обязан прилагать все усилия к тому, чтобы сотрудники поощрялись за свои достижения, проходили правильное обучение, должен сам являться примером правильного отношения к бизнесу. Руководитель должен прививать и развивать командный дух в коллективе, что окажет в будущем только благоприятное влияние на развитие бизнеса. Он должен быть всегда в курсе деятельности своей команды. Командный дух — это душа организации. Лидер должен убедиться, что его подчиненные с удовольствием выполняют свои обязанности в команде, считают себя частью организации, они должны быть уверены, что выполняют важную работу, необходимую для блага и успеха всей организации. Только инициативный и самомотивированный человек сможет направить других людей для достижения своих целей и согласовать свои личные цели с общими целями организации.

«I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.» Ralph Nader.

There are at least two major influences that affect how individuals perform in their environment.

These influences include: i) the type of leadership that exists, and ii) personal motivation. While neither is scientific in nature, there is significant research that identifies some theories and general conclusions about why people perform, how they perform, and why some people display different behaviours that puts them in positions of leadership.

Motivation is a goal-oriented characteristic that helps a person achieve his objectives. It pushes an individual to work hard at achieving his or her goals. An executive must have the right leadership traits to influence motivation. However, there is no specific blueprint for motivation. As a leader, one should keep an open perspective on human nature. Knowing different needs of subordinates will certainly make the decision-making process easier.

Both an employee as well as manager must possess leadership and motivational traits. An effective leader must have a thorough knowledge of motivational factors for others. He must understand the basic needs of employees, peers and his superiors. Leadership is used as a means of motivating others.

Given below are important guidelines that outline the basic view of motivation:
— Harmonize and match the subordinate needs with the organizational needs. As a leader, the executive must ensure that the business has the same morals and ethics that he seeks in his employees. He should make sure that his subordinates are encouraged and trained in a manner that meets the needs of the business.
— Appreciation and rewards are key motivators that influence a person to achieve a desired goal. Rewarding good exceptional behavior with a small token of appreciation, certificate or letter can be a great motivator. If a certificate is awarded to a person, it should mention the particular act or the quality for which the individual is being rewarded.
— Being a role model is also a key motivator that influences people in reaching their goals. A leader should set a good example to ensure his people to grow and achieve their goals effectively.
— Encouraging individuals to get involved in planning and important issues resolution procedure not only motivates them, but also teaches the intricacies of these key decision-making factors. Moreover, it will help everyone to get better understanding of their role in the organization. The communication will be unambiguous and will certainly attract acknowledgement and appreciation from the leader.
— Developing moral and team spirit certainly has a key impact on the well-being of an organization. The metal or emotional state of a person constitutes his or her moral fabric. A leader’s actions and decisions affect the morale of his subordinates. Hence, he should always be aware of his decisions and activities. Team spirit is the soul of the organization. The leader should always make sure his subordinates enjoy performing their duties as a team and make themselves a part of the organization’s plans.
— A leader should step into the shoes of the subordinates and view things from subordinate’s angle. He should empathize with them during difficult times. Empathizing with their personal problems makes them stronger-mentally and emotionally.
— A meaningful and challenging job accomplished inculcates a sense of achievement among employees. The executive must make their employees feel they are performing an important work that is necessary for the organization’s well-being and success. This motivational aspect drives them to fulfill goals.

Remember, «To become an efficient leader, you must be self-motivated». You must know your identity, your needs and you must have a strong urge to do anything to achieve your goals. Once you are self-motivated, only then you can motivate others to achieve their goals and to harmonize their personal goals with the common goals of the organization.

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Leadership And Motivation