Kupalle celebrate on June 21. It is a traditional and the most loved holiday in Belarus.
Kupalle is a pagan summer celebration of fertility in the name of a female God — Kupala. Lately it was renamed into a Christian celebration of male saint-Ivan Kupala.
Kupalle usually involves youth going into a forests and the meadows, wearing flowers and grass garlands, dancing in karagods (circles around fires), jumping through fires.
A popular kind of Kupalle was fortune-telling – putting wreaths on water. People believed that on Kupalle night the fern has a very special flower-«paparats-kvetka»- glowing in the dark. If you find the flower, you’ll be happy. But no one has found «paparats-kvetka» yet.
New year in my family.
Перевод seasons and weather.
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- British Holidays — Британские праздникиEvery year British people celebrate their national, traditional and religious holidays. Many of them are quite old, important and well-known. Most of public holidays in the United Kingdom are known as Bank holidays because banks are closed on these days. They are: New Year’s day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake day), May ... Читать далее...
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