An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were sitting in a bar
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were sitting in a bar, drinking, and discussing how stupid their wives were. The Englishman says, “I tell you, my wife is so stupid. Last week she
Magician and Parrot
Magician and Parrot A magician was working on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. The audience would be different each week, so the magician allowed himself to do the same tricks over and over
On the steps of this church two pan handlers were doing their daily
On the steps of this church two pan handlers were doing their daily business. One wore a large cross on his chest and the other – a star of David. Of course, most of
Some problems
A woman gives birth by a Caesarian and passes out. When she comes to her senses, the doctor approaches her bed and says: “I’m sorry to tell you, Mrs. Smith, that your baby has
Corporal Conroy needed to use a pay phone
Corporal Conroy needed to use a pay phone, but didn’t have change for a dollar. He saw Private Duncan mopping the base’s corridor floors, and asked him, “Soldier, do you have change for a
Two Irishmen are sitting in a bar
Two Irishmen are sitting in a bar. Mick’s looking particularly sad and Patrick asks him what the matter is. mick says, “well, I knew that my grandfather had died in the war, but I’ve
The Cesium song 01
Oh Cesium (Tune, Oh Christmas tree) Oh Cesium, oh Cesium, Thy spectrum doth us please-ium. Thy sky-blue lines in plasma’s fire, Do dreams of icy lakes inspire. Oh Cesium, oh Cesium, Thy spectrum doth
Keeping their marriage together
I know a husband and wife who have separate bedrooms, drive different cars, take separate vacations, work different shifts, have their own computers, and even have their own ISPs, separate e-mail addresses and Home
Paddy wanted to be an accountant, so he went
Paddy wanted to be an accountant, so he went for an aptitude test. Tester: If I give you two rabbits, two rabbits, and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got? Paddy: Seven!
A husband emerged from the bathroom naked and
A husband emerged from the bathroom naked and was climbing into bed when his wife complained, as usual, “I have a headache.” “Perfect” her husband said. “I was just in the bathroom powdering my