Honesty is the best policy

A very very rich gentleman dies, leaving his fortune to his only living friends, a Doctor, a CEO, and a Lawyer. But being the eccentric he was, his will stipulated that each one must

How did you do that??

Two Jewish businessmen meet in the street. “Well, Morrie, how’s your warehouse business going?” . “Oy vey, Abraham, it’s not going so good, we had a flood last week.” “So, Morrie,” whispers Abraham “How

Can you pass the Baby Boomer Quiz?

1. Name the Beatles, first and last names. 2. Finish this line: “Lions, and tigers, and bears…” (2 words) 3. “Hey kids, what time is it?” (4 words) 4. What do M&Ms do? 5.

Business is business

A young Jewish boy starts attending public school in a small town. The teacher of the one-room school decides to use her position to try to influence the new student. She asks the class,

A cure for a headache

Phil was at the bar one night, and complained about having a headache. “I’ve got a beaut cure for a headache,” said his mate Trev. “Whenever I have a headache I head home and

A man takes his dog for a walk in the park

A man takes his dog for a walk in the park. While he’s there, he runs in to his old friend. The two men stop to talk and the dog just plops right down

A blind man is standing at the corner

A blind man is standing at the corner with his seeing eye dog waiting to cross the street, when his pooch lifts his leg and pisses down the side of his nice herringbone tweed

Is there a doctor in the house?

A strained voice called out through the darkened theater, “Please, is there a doctor in the house?!” Several men stood up as the lights came on. An older lady pulled her daughter to stand

Cronin goes to a barber shop to get his hair cut

Cronin goes to a barber shop to get his hair cut. The barber cuts his hair, and after he gets done, as Cronin gets up and is taking out his money, the barber goes

About Steve who wants to know about somethings

In one day Steve came to the bathroon, when his father was washing. And Steve has seen dad’s dick and said: “Dad, what is this?” His father nervously said: “Well Steve, it’s sausage”. After
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