Now that the holidays are here, it’s time To decorate the house. Every year, we always Go all out. We buy a Christmas tree and the kids decorate it with Ornaments that we’ve bought and made over the years, and with silver and gold Tinsel. We also hang a Wreath on our front door and I make sure that there’s Mistletoe above every door. Around the Chimney, we hang our Stockings, and when we get Holiday cards from our friends and neighbors, we put them all around the room.
Outside of the house, we have Lawn ornaments that we put in the front yard. People who visit our house will see Snowmen (and snowwomen), Reindeer, and of course, Santa Claus. The best part is the Outdoor lights. I String them across the front of the house, around our trees, and in our fence. When I turn them all on, you can probably see our house from miles away. It’s no wonder that people come from all over town just to see our house at night. I have to say that I enjoy the holiday season as much as the kids…and maybe just a little more!
Класс моей мечты.
Sports and games.
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- The English YearВ топике Английский год рассказывается, как англичане делят год на сезоны, и какие месяцы соответствуют каждому времени года. Например, зима в Англии — это ноябрь, декабрь, январь и февраль; весна — март и апрель; лето — май, июнь, июль и август; осень – сентябрь и октябрь. В Великобритании зимние месяцы холодные, идет снег и дождь. ... Читать далее...
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- Holiday PromotionsMy boss asked me To come up with some Holiday promotion ideas so that we can make Inroads into the Gift-buying market. For us to stay competitive, our company has to increase Retail sales For this important Sales cycle. My boss is expecting some Innovative ideas from me. Since we’re an online business and not ... Читать далее...
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